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Book-o-ween and Other Things!


Thursday, October 21, 2021, Volume 16 Issue 7

Bus Routes

We received some great news last Friday – none of our bus routes were eliminated! I know that families were also worried about this, so it is a relief that we are covered. The bus drivers went through a bidding process to choose the routes they will drive based on seniority, so we do have new drivers assigned to most routes. Similar to the start of the year, this means that drivers will take some time to learn the routes and their may be delays for the next week or so. Drivers new to a route may also occasionally make mistakes – please be patient during this time as everyone adjusts. Feel free to reach out to Transportation at 206-252-0900 if there are problems that need to be corrected.


Get Ready for Book-o-ween! It’s hard to believe that we are two-thirds of the way through October already! This means that the end of the month is almost upon us, and next Friday, October 29, is when we celebrate a special Thurgood Marshall tradition: Book-o-ween! To make this holiday inclusive to all, our focus is on reading and not on Halloween. We celebrate by asking students and staff to come to school dressed as their favorite book character. You might want to start talking to your child now about their favorite books and what character they would like to be. We do ask that students stick to costumes that are not violent and do not include weapons. Full face masks are not allowed at school so that students have full visibility. Many of our students make their own costumes out of construction paper or cardboard – there is no need for anything fancy or expensive. If you need help coming up with some ideas, you need only google “book-themed costumes.” Here is a link to some:


Next week on October 27, we will have our first Principal Coffee of the year, featuring Family Literacy Connector Trinia Washington speaking on “The Science of Reading.”We will meet virtually at 6 PM over Microsoft Teams. Here is the meeting link: Click here to join the meeting We will also have a repeat of this session on November 23 at 9 AM.


Parent Teacher Conferences will be scheduled on:

  • Saturday, November 20,

  • Monday, November 22, and

  • Tuesday, November 23.

There will be no school the week of November 22-26 for Parent Teacher Conferences and November 25 & 26 in recognition of Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day. This year, we are trying something new that we hope will make signing up for conferences easier for you! Your child’s teacher will be in touch with you to schedule. Please be sure to save some time on one of these days to meet with your child’s teacher.


Coming up is our Book Fair! - November 22 - December 3. Although we cannot have an in-person book fair as we usually do in November, our innovative Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary group have partnered with Scholastic Books to bring you a virtual book fair that will run November 22- December 3, just in time for holiday shopping. We appreciate Lesley Jones coordinating this! You will be able to browse through books on-line, make your selections and have them delivered to your home. Proceeds from the book fair will go towards our library and allow us to continue purchasing books for your children! Please watch for more information about this to come!


2021-2022 Annual Giving Campaign

Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary (FTME) exists to support our students, families, teachers, and staff in fostering a strong, safe, and welcoming school community that provides a well-organized, high quality, and equitable academic environment. Donations and volunteer time provided by you, our families, and friends make a difference for all of our students. Not surprisingly, our fundraising activities have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The FTME has historically raised funds to support teachers, staff, programs, and families in need in our immediate and wider community. FTME has a set minimum goal of $50,000 to meet critical funding commitments for the 2021-22 school year. Donating has never been more needed. Simply put, please support our school and make a direct, tax-deductible donation to FTME’s Annual Fund in an amount that works for your family. Some families will be able to donate, but remember, many others are not able to in these challenging times. Your support is all the more crucial. Every donation, of any amount, will help our students. If you are able, please consider giving generously, to support funding for this year, next year, and beyond. Your student will soon be bringing home a letter- look for it in their backpack! This letter to families gives more information about the programs the Annual Fund supports, and other details you may be wondering about. You can donate to the FTME annual fund online or by check. Depending on your employer, other opportunities to make donations may include: Matching Funds Individuals who work for companies that have corporate gift-matching programs can double their donations by submitting a gift-matching request to their employers' Human Resources department. Workplace Giving Campaign Many companies encourage philanthropic giving by offering employees the opportunity to make a one-time charitable gift or give through payroll deduction during an annual workplace giving campaign. Workplace giving is an easy and efficient way to work together with your company to support the Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary. Giving policies vary among companies. Please contact your Human Resources department to determine whether your company offers a workplace giving campaign. WA Combined Fund Drive Washington State Employees can use the WA Combined Fund Drive as a means of making their contribution. Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary is an IRS approved independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit and a registered charity in Washington State. Our Federal Tax ID is Tax ID 91-1462857. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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