Thursday, March 4th, 2021, Volume 15 Issue 80
We are closing in on a year of quarantine and being away from school, friends, jobs and the people we love. This has been a LONG haul, and while we are starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel in the form of the COVID vaccine, it’s not over yet. I know I am feeling the strain of this time and I’m sure others are, too. A friend recently sent me the link an episode of Brene Brown’s Unlocking Us podcast from October 14, 2020. In this episode she interviewed Drs. Emily and Amelia Nagoski on their book Burnout. In this program, the Drs. Nagoski talk about the impact of stress on our bodies and explain about how the stress cycle works and how we must “complete” the stress cycle by doing something to relieve the stress in our bodies.
This doesn’t happen just by the issue causing the stress going away. I found the podcast so fascinating that I immediately ordered the book. I wanted to share some of the highlights I learned with all of you. (You can listen to the podcast here: ).
Research has found specific ways to rid our bodies of stress.
Different people may prefer to use different strategies, but these are the most effective ways to counteract the ill effects that stress has on us, beginning with the most effective strategy:
Movement - Moving our bodies is the #1 way to complete the stress cycle. Going for a run, a walk, a bike ride, dancing or other physical activity can produce chemicals in the brain to counteract the harm that stress can do. Find ways for your family to move on a daily basis. I know that for me this has been much more difficult since learning is virtual. I used to easily log thousands of steps throughout the course of a day as I walked around school. Now I need to make a conscious effort and schedule in time to get those steps in! But as I have heard medical professionals say: Movement is Medicine. Thanks to the generosity of 8 Limbs Yoga, all of our staff have the opportunity to explore some free yoga classes – another way to get movement into the day.
Laughter – You may be finding little to laugh about these days but laughter has so many positive effects. It relaxes the body, boosts the immunes system, triggers the release of endorphins (natural chemicals that produce a sense of well-being), increases blood flow which is good for your heart, diffuses anger, burns calories and may even help you to live longer! So watch a funny TV show, seek out the friends that you can count on for a giggle, look up jokes or funny stories to share, or do something silly with your children.
Breath – We have been hearing much lately about mindfulness. This can be through meditation or even just sitting and focusing on our breath. A yoga class or meditation app can help with this. If you use Kaiser Permanente health insurance, they are now providing the Calm app free to members. Brene Brown points out that 2 jobs that focus strongly on awareness of breath are yoga and military special forces, both of which work to help release stress from the body.
Touch – Physical touch is critically important for humans and it is something that many of us are getting much less of. We can’t hug our friends, or even high five or shake hands in ways we did before. In the February 20, 2021 issue of The Economist, the article “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling” talks about the positive effects of touch including decreasing levels of the stress hormone cortisol and improving immune response. The Burnout authors suggest that a daily 20 second hug can help with this.
“Big Ol’ Cry” – Crying can bring release when dealing with a difficult situation. Some people I know will watch a sad movie intentionally when they just need a good cry. Drs. Nagaski share that focusing on they physical sensations you experience while crying instead of the sad event can make this an even more powerful strategy. For example, how many tears are running down my cheeks, how my face feels hot, etc.
Creative Expression – This is one area it seems that many people are dipping into during quarantine. The internet is filled with people trying new bread recipes, crafts, and instruments. My daughter, alone in her college dorm room taking virtual classes, fills her spare time with embroidery. I’ve just signed up for a 6-week water color course. Try to fit one small creative moment into each day if you are feeling a lot of stress right now.
We all know self-care is important, but we also know that it takes work to get it in. Sometimes it feels like one more thing to do. Taking care of your stress (and helping your children take care of theirs) is like medicine. The negative impact of stress on the body is well-documented. Think of these ideas in the same way you would think of taking your daily vitamin. A final thought the Drs. Nagaski ended with was this: “Self-care requires a community of us all caring about each other.” We need to support each other to make this a priority. We need to care for each other. We can do this! (If you are interested in learning more, the book Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski is available from your local bookstore on at: ).
Early Literacy Screener for Dyslexia
The Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction department and an internal cross-departmental team (Dyslexia Workgroup) have been working over the past year to identify an early literacy screener for the next school year. The team is identifying an OSPI approved and high-quality dyslexia screeners to meet the needs of SPS students. Universal screening in K-2 classrooms will begin in the 2021-22 school year.
The work group’s task is centered around the district strategic plan, Seattle Excellence, and the priority goal of providing high-quality instruction and learning experiences for students furthest from educational justice. Our planning aligns with WA State Legislature on the Early Screening of Dyslexia E2SSB 6162. RCW 28A.320.260, which states, “Beginning in the 2021-22 school year, and as provided in this section, each school district must use multitiered systems of support to provide interventions to students in kindergarten through second grade who display indications of, or areas of weakness associated with dyslexia.”
Early Literacy Screener/Dyslexia Virtual Family Information Sessions
The Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction department are conducting information sessions. In these sessions’ families will earn about the Early Literacy Screener that will begin for students in grades K-2 in the 2021-22. Information will be provided about the recent state law regarding dyslexia and what this means for our students. Postcards are being mailed to families inviting them to attend.
Session dates:
General Session: Friday, March 5, 6 – 7:30 p.m
General Session: Friday, March 12, 6 – 7:30 p.m
Asian Family Community: Tuesday, March 16, 6 – 7:30 p.m
Latinx Family Community: Friday, March 19, 6 – 7:30 p.m
Native Indian & Pacific Islander Family Community: Tuesday, March 23, 6 – 7:30 p.m
Somali/Oromo Family Community: Friday, March 26, 6 – 7:30 p.m
Amharic/Tigrinya Family Community: Tuesday, March 30, 6 – 7:30 p.m
More information about Seattle Public Schools Early Screening for Dyslexia is available on the SPS public facing website.
UW continues to hold online information sessions about the COVID-19 vaccines and answer your questions about the vaccines and how they work. Please see the schedule below for upcoming sessions and languages.
Upcoming sessions:
Friday, February 26
12:00 p.m.
Join Zoom
Thursday, March 4
5:30 p.m.
Join Zoom
Friday, March 5
12:00 p.m.
Join Zoom
Friday, February 26
12:30 p.m.
Join Zoom
Tuesday, March 2
5:30 p.m.
Join Zoom
Friday, March 5
12:30 p.m.
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Tuesday, March 2
1:00 p.m.
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Tuesday, March 2
3:00 p.m.
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If you have trouble joining a session, please contact:
If you were unable to attend a live session, recordings are available online. Languages available include:
More languages added weekly here. Vietnamese Gửi Cộng Đồng UW Medicine: Giờ đây khi vắc xin cho COVID-19 đã được cung cấp cho công chúng theo từng giai đoạn, mọi người đều phấn khích và có hi vọng về việc vượt qua những điều đã diễn ra trong khoảng thời gian dài và khó khăn. Mặc dù vắc xin là một bước tiến lớn trong việc khắc phục vi rút COVID-19, chúng tôi nhận thấy nhiều người trong số quý vị có thắc mắc và lo ngại về các loại vắc xin này dù cho đã nhận được thông tin về chúng từ nhiều nguồn bao gồm UW Medicine, mạng xã hội, truyền hình, và các nguồn khác chẳng hạn như người thân gia đình và bạn bè. Để trả lời các thắc mắc và lo ngại của quý vị, chúng tôi sẽ tổ chức một vài phiên họp cung cấp thông tin bằng đa ngôn ngữ qua Zoom. Tất cả các phiên họp sẽ do bác sĩ và chuyên gia về vắc xin của UW phụ trách. Cộng Đồng UW Medicine Trò Chuyện: Trao Đổi Thẳng Thắn về vắc xin COVID 19 03/02/2021 1:00 PM Dr. Phuong Nguyen Chúng tôi khuyến khích tất cả mọi người tham dự. Vui lòng chuẩn bị sẵn các câu hỏi thắc mắc của quý vị. Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu phiên họp bằng các thông tin phổ biến và sau đó chuyển qua hỏi và trả lời. Mong gặp quý vị ở đó! Russian Уважаемые члены coобществa: В настоящем, когда вакцины от COVID-19 поэтапно становятся доступными для населения, нельзя не ощутить радость и надежду оставить позади оковы долгих и трудных для всех нас времён. Хотя эти вакцины являются важным шагом вперёд в преодолении вируса COVID-19, мы понимаем, что у многих из вас имеются вопросы и опасения по поводу этих вакцин, несмотря на получение информации о них из многих источников, включая социальные сети, телевидение, радио и прочих, в том числе, возможно, членов семьи и друзей. Мы планируем провести ряд информационных сессий на нескольких языках через Zoom, в ходе которых мы ответим на ваши вопросы. Все эти сессии будут проводиться врачами UW Medicine. Беседы в медицинском сообществе UW: Откровенный разговор о вакцинах от COVID 19 03/02/2021 3:00 PM Dr. Irina Sheyman Мы призываем всех принять участие. Пожалуйста, подготовьте ваши вопросы. Мы планируем открывать каждую сессию предоставлением общей информации, а затем переходить к вопросам и ответам. Мы с нетерпением ждём встречи с вами! Spanish Estimados Miembros de la Comunidad de UW Medicine: Ahora que muchos de nuestros colegas en UW Medicine han empezado a recibir la vacuna contra el COVID-19, el gran entusiasmo y la esperanza son por fin claros y alentadores después de muchos meses difíciles para toda nuestra comunidad. Las vacunas contra el COVID-19 representan un gran paso en la lucha contra el virus. Sin embargo, a veces la información sobre las vacunas es un poco confusa y mucha gente tiene preguntas sobre como funcionan las vacunas, cuan seguras son y cuan bien funcionan. Es por ello que hemos organizado sesiones de información sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19 en varias lenguas. Todas las sesiones son dirigidas por un panel de expertos clínicos de UW Medicine. La información para las próximas sesiones en español es la siguiente: Vacunas contra el COVID-19: Verdades, mitos y preguntas Viernes 26 de febrero, desde las 12 p.m. hasta las 12:30 p.m. Zoom: Jueves 4 de marzo, desde las 5:30 p.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. Zoom: Viernes 5 de marzo, desde las 12 p.m. hasta las 12:30 p.m. Zoom: Para las sesiones en inglés, por favor lea la información escrita en inglés (arriba). Por favor difundan esta información. Estas sesiones son para todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad incluyendo a todos los empleados, estudiantes, profesores, enfermeros, proveedores, etc. Por favor traigan preguntas para hacer al panel. Las sesiones comenzarán con información general seguida por preguntas de la audiencia.