Thursday, February 17, 2022 Volume 16 Issue 20
Budget Survey You have just one more day to give input on the Budget Survey. This link was sent out last week so that families can have a voice in setting priorities in our budget planning. We would really like to hear from you about your priorities for your child’s learning. If you missed it the first time, here is the link to the survey: . The survey will close on Friday, February 18 at 5 PM.
School is Out Next Week! Reminder – there is no school next week for our President’s Day and mid-winter break. We hope your child will continue to read (or be read to) at least 30 minutes a day over the break. If you are looking for additional resources for your child, don’t forget that IXL is available to all of our students to practice their math skills. There are other sites available to our students through the Clever app. Students who are receiving reading support can also use the Reading Ally website. Check in with your child’s teacher to learn more about this. Remember that IXL and Reading Ally and _-- are all great resources students can use to practice their skills over the break. You can also visit our school website to check out additional resources for students: .
Black Lives Matter week was the first week of this month. Students really seemed to enjoy the theme of Black Joy and the Harlem Renaissance. You can see this in their artwork in the pictures included in this issue of the Pup Press. This art is posted all around the walls of our school.
Our ChangeMaker project has also just begun!
The ChangeMaker project allows each class the opportunity to learn more about an important African American who has made contributions to our culture. This project was conceived of as a way to celebrate Black History Month. Students will be learning about scientists, mathematicians, political figures, activists, artists, and sports figures. Students were introduced to some of these important people through a PowerPoint and then had the opportunity to choose their top three. Last week was the exciting reveal when each class learned who they would get to study this month. On Friday, March 4, all of our classes will do a gallery walk through the school to learn about all the Changemakers. As your child about the ChangeMaker they are studying this month.
Upcoming Academic Parent Teacher Team Meeting
Finally, be sure to save the date for our next Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) meeting on Pi Day – Monday, March 14 (3.14 – get it?!). Teachers have been planning new games for you and your child to practice academic skills. Playing the games from past APTT nights is another great thing to do during next week’s break.