Thursday, February 16, 2023 Volume 17 Issue 20
You have just one more day to give input on the Budget Survey. This link was sent out last week so that families can have a voice in setting priorities in our budget planning. We would really like to hear from you about your priorities for your child’s learning. If you missed it the first time, here is the link to the survey: .
The survey will close on Friday, February 17 at 5 PM.
Reminder – there is no school next week for our President’s Day and mid-winter break. We hope your child will continue to read (or be read to) at least 30 minutes a day over the break. If you are looking for additional resources for your child, don’t forget that IXL is available to our students to practice their math skills over the break. There are other academic sites available to our students through the Clever app. You can also visit our school website to check out additional resources for students: .
Last week we celebrated Black Lives Matter at School week and this week, our ChangeMaker project is beginning! The ChangeMaker project allows each class the opportunity to learn more about an important African American who has made contributions to our culture. This project was conceived of as a way to celebrate Black History Month. Students will be learning about scientists, mathematicians, political figures, activists, artists, sports figures and some of our local heroes, too. Students were introduced to some of these important people through a PowerPoint and then had the opportunity to choose their top three. On Friday, March 10, all of our classes will do a gallery walk through the school to learn about all the Changemakers. Ask your child about the ChangeMaker they are studying this month.
Don’t forget that Academic Parent Teacher Teams is TONIGHT! Childcare drop off begins at 5:30 PM and classroom sessions begin at 6 PM. We will have pizza and a movie for the kids, and opportunities for parents to socialize and learn activities to support their child’s learning at home in fun ways! See you there!
Images from last Friday's BLM @ School Assembly & March and the JazzED Performance on Monday
Notes from FTME
Nurse Colima is in need of pants of all sizes donated to the health room.
We will have many open FTME board positions coming this spring, as families move on. If you are interested in learning more about open positions, including treasurer, fundraising, Pup Press editor (plus others!) please email
Please join us Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30 pm for our Winter FTME general meeting. We will be hosting presenter Heather Anderson who will lead us in an interactive workshop on engaging in imaginative play with our children. We will open up the library at 6 pm for mingling before we begin.