Thursday, September 9th, 2021, Volume 16, Issue 1
Emailed by Principal Katie May
Today we welcome our Preschool and Kindergarten students and their families for their first day of school. We are so glad to have our youngest learners join us!
Who to Ask If You Have A Question!
As promised, I am sharing with you who you can go to for specific questions you may have this school year. Ms. Lorow, our fabulous assistant principal, and I share responsibilities; our new Head Teacher, Ms. Tyshler is also someone you may be reaching out to. Don’t worry if you can’t remember who to go to for something. We will help to direct you to the right person.
As always, if you have a question about something in a particular classroom, please speak to the classroom teacher first. They are eager to work with you and we will direct you back to them if you have not already spoken to them.
Go to Ms. May ( for:
Questions about grades Preschool – 3rd grade
School Counseling and Family Support
Coordination with Friends of Thurgood Marshall
Questions related to school-wide communication
Hiring Teams and Training
Our building schedule
Arts Team, Building Leadership Team
School pictures/yearbooks
Academic Parent Teacher Teams
Go to Ms. Lorow (
Questions about grades 4th and 5th, English Language Learners and Specialists (Art, Music and PE)
Questions about recess
Discipline Plan for the building
After school Enrichment Program (we do not have this for the 21-22 school year)
Special Education/504 Plans/coordination with nurse of health plans
Field Trips
Schoolwide Enrichment Model
Building Safety Plan and Protocols
Go to Ms. Tyshler ( ) for:
Individual disciplinary situations
Our Schoolwide Positive Behavior Plan
A few reminders:
Vaccination status of students and staff is confidential medical information, and as such, we will not be disclosing staff or student vaccination status. SPS is taking significant COVID-19 health and safety measures to protect our schools and communities and is complying with the legal mandate that all K–12 school district employees receive a COVID-19 vaccination or be approved for a medical or religious exemption by October 18, 2021.
Some families may need to update their contact information to receive transportation delay notifications for students who ride the bus. Families who qualify for transportation can reach out to the Transportation Department to update their contact preferences, if needed.
Please be sure that your child has a mask that fits closely to their face and covers their mouth and nose. It should not have a valve that allows air to escape. Here is a link to some reminders from the Center for Disease Control:
iPads & Laptops
If you still have a student iPad or Laptop and charger at home, please return to our school. We are in the process of passing out new devices and need these back so they can be updated. Be sure that you have filled out your device agreement so that we can check a new device out to your child. This year there is a $25 tech use fee, which can be waived if this is a hardship for your family.
For iPads (K-2 students):
For Laptops (3rd-5th students):
Day in the Life Videos
Our district has put together some videos sharing what the health and safety protocols look like for full-time in-person learning. You can view these here:
Returning to In-Person Learning for 2021-22
Healthy and Safety Protocols for 2021-22
Upcoming Dates
September 9 – Virtual Kindergarten Welcome hosted by Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary: click here to join
September 10 – New Family Q&A – Virtual Meeting: Click here to join the meeting
October 2 – School Custodian Appreciation Day
October 4 & 5 – School Picture Day (Pre-k, PEACE, K, 1st and 2nd – Oct. 4; 3rd-5th Oct. 5)
October 8 – State Inservice Day (No School for Students)
October 11 – Indigenous People’s Day
October 12- FTME Board Meeting– 6:30-8 PM
October 21 – APTT Family Meeting #1
October 26– First FTME General Meeting – 6:30-8 PM
October 30 – Book-o-ween
Message from Friends of Thurgood Marshall Elementary (FTME)
Out of an abundance of caution given rising Covid numbers and a commitment to reduce any community spread within or across classes and keep our kids in school, we have been asked to postpone family gatherings on campus for the time being. I know we are all disappointed and would love to meet and greet each other.
As an alternative, please consider organizing a classroom specific meet up at one of our nearby playgrounds (Judkins and Sam Smith are both within walking distance). If you would like to volunteer as your classroom's Class Connector to help communicate to families in your classroom and organize classroom specific meet ups, please reach out!
Family-Focused Online Course
Family Connectors University - Seattle Public Schools (SPS) families are invited to join North Seattle College’s Family Connectors University (FCU) class, a family-focused online course designed to help parents support their child’s learning and growth.
In partnership with North Seattle College and SPS Family Partnerships Department, topics include:
Helping your child with learning
Social Emotional Learning ideas for home
Becoming a supportive partner at your school
Helping your child with ‘big emotions’
Supporting your child with reading and math
Talking to kids about race, racism, and antiracist actions
Take this course in real-time or attend offline at a time that works for you. Check out video here and course details here.
Participants report that this year's pandemic-informed curriculum has been immensely helpful to families during remote learning:
“The Family Connectors University class was a wealth of practical ideas, and definitely worth the time investment!”
“…the conversations about self-care, supporting our kids' social emotional growth, dealing with "big feelings" and recommendations on supporting reading and math were fantastic.”
“Implementing just a few of these ideas brought the pressure level in our 'locked-down' household from a 9 to a 2.”
“I loved the chance to have one hour to myself each week to get ideas for helping my child and talk with other parents.”
The class takes place online via Zoom for 10 weeks beginning Tuesday, September 28th at 6-7 pm. Parents can participate synchronously or asynchronously, as sessions will be recorded.
Course is facilitated by NSC Parent Education Instructor Lea Evans, Principal Janine Roy, SPS Family Partnerships Coordinator Asosa Sailiai, and special guest speakers.
The cost for the 2-unit class is $39.42 and some scholarships are available.
Email Asosa Sailiai to enroll or find out more information: