This Friday, April 26, we will be holding our annual Move-a-Thon. The Move-a-Thon is an important part of fund-raising for enrichment programming at TM. The money raised from the Move-a-Thon event determines the number and type of field trip programming we are able to provide to our students.
Who: All TM students participate!
What: Each year we set aside about 30 minutes on Move-A-Thon day for each class to walk laps on our playfield. Students collect donations from friends and family members to support their participation.
Why: Our Move-A-Thon has become an annual tradition. The money collected goes into our school Self-Help Account, and every dollar we raise goes directly towards helping fund field trips and 5th grade camp for students who would not otherwise be able to afford these activities. We want every child at our school to benefit from all the educational resources in our community, but we cannot provide this without your help.
When: Move-a-thon donation packets were sent home with students this week. If your child did not bring a packet home, please be in touch with their teacher. This year’s Move-A-Thon will take place on Friday, April 26th. Our student council created a video to explain it to students and generated a LOT of excitement! You will receive more info from your child’s teacher about what time your child’s class will walk.
How can I help? We have parent volunteers signed up on the day of the Move-A-Thon to help direct classes, and to mark laps on each student’s bib. Students also love to have parents walk with them or just cheer them on!
Other Details? Make sure your child wears appropriate footwear and comfortable clothing for walking on Friday, April 26th. Think about packing a water bottle on that day. You may want to apply sunscreen to your child that morning, as well. Each class’s time slot for the move-a-thon is about 30 minutes.
Thanks for your support of our school!