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Instrumental Music


Thursday, November 17, 2022 Volume 17 Issue 10

Hello Pup Press readers,

I’m Dan Yarr, the instrumental music teacher; I’ve been teaching band, orchestra, and choir for nearly 30 years in Washington State and 20 years here in Seattle as an Elementary Music Specialist. Instrumental Music is available to 5th grade students and 4th grade students if there is room; and thanks to the Creative Advantage program we have room for all 5th and 4th grade students who wish to take instrumental music lessons on Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Snare drum!

Music is a form of expression in all cultures around the globe and is part of the human experience -- creating music builds bonds between us that can be emotional even though non-verbal. I’m glad that so many students are building this musical community and my hope is that they take their skills and music appreciation with them through their lives. Instrumental music also develops children fine motor skills and helps with time understanding and mathematics.

The beginning of the school year is always busy, and thank you everyone for getting enrollment and instrument loan paperwork in. Scheduling classes and distributing instruments for 111 4th and 5th grade students is hard work, but we began our lessons the 1st week of October. During October all of the violins, clarinets, cellos, saxophones, trumpets and trombones the school owns have been loaned out. New students have learned how to care for their instruments, play their first few notes, and are beginning to read music notation. Advanced students have been reviewing last year’s material and are beginning to learn new skills on their instruments.

Every week, starting in November, I will be sending home a practice chart with instructions on what students should be practicing and a place to record their practice times. Parents then need to sign the practice chart and return it to me each week! Encourage your child to practice and when they have learned a song, please have them play it for you!

Please make note of our concert date, Thursday, June 15 @7PM and invite your whole family to come and hear your child play in the Thurgood Marshall band and orchestra.


Thank you so much to all the volunteers who helped plant trees on our campus last weekend. We will all enjoy your efforts for years to come!






Notes from Quyen Pham - FTME Co-President

-Scholastic Book Fair will be held in P1 and will be open during conferences —No problem if you miss it during conferences, the fair runs thru Dec 2nd -In lieu of Thanksgiving Bags this year, Tutu’s Pantry (TM’s very own food bank) will be open for (please contact Mr. Hawkins for details) -Volunteers NEEDED to support both the Book Fair and Tutu’s Pantry (links for sign-up below) -Tutu’s Pantry continues to accept snack and food donations.

  • Rice, 1 lb bags

  • Pasta, all types

  • Jarred pasta sauce

  • Chicken and vegetable broth/stock

  • Peanut butter and sun butter

  • Whole fruit jelly

  • Chef Boyardee, cans and microwave cups

  • Dried fruit chips or leathers

  • Seasoning packets- such as spaghetti, taco, gravy, ranch, french onion, etc.

Class snacks-

  • Applesauce snack pouches

  • Individual snack-packs of goldfish or other crackers

  • Individual snack-packs of popcorn or Pirate Booty

  • Welch's or Mott's fruit snack pouches

Volunteer form for Tutu's Pantry: Volunteer form for Book Fair: Questions: Email Quyen at


Paperwork & Transcript Requests

If you are applying to private schools and need paperwork filled out through the Ravenna system, Transcript requests can be sent to Cherese Williams at

Administrator recommendation requests can be sent to Katie May at


Winter Enrichment

The Winter Enrichment Catalog will be published after Thanksgiving Break and information will be sent home with your student that week. Registration will open on December 2, 6PM. Check for updates



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