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Making Connections

If you are new to our school, you may not have heard of Academic Parent Teacher Teams. This is our family engagement program at Thurgood Marshall. We bring families together with the teacher several times each year so that you can build connections with your child’s teacher and other families in the class, and so you can learn more about what your child is learning this year and to see data about how they are doing. You will also get to learn fun games you can play at home with your child to help them grow their academic skills. The goal of the APTT model is to promote family teacher collaboration to drive student achievement. Working together, school and home in partnership, we can all help to moveour students forward!

Based on parent and teacher feedback, this year our Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) series will include Making Connections (Curriculum Night), Family Conferences, and two sessions of the traditional APTT Sessions (with learning games). Each session is an important part of our engagement plan, and we hope that you will attend each event.

Please save the date for September 25. This is our first APTT session, Making Connections. From 5–6 PM, families with students in PreK, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade will meet with their classes. From 6:15–7:15, families with students in 3rd , 4th and 5th grade will meet with their classes. Students are encouraged to attend with their family. We will have a connection activity to get everyone warmed up and you will get to hear about content that will be covered in your child’s class this year. This year, our wonderfulFTME is supplying pizza for everyone, which will be served in your child’s class. Unlike many curriculum nights, your child is encouraged to attend along with you!

Your attendance at APPT meetings is important to us! It is also one way that we measure if we are being successful in our goals as a school. This year, we are hoping to have at least 80% of our families attend APTT meetings. We are adjusting the way we run APTT based on feedback from you so that this program will work for you. At the end of the evening, you will be asked for your feedback on how things went. Your opinion matters!

Sending in your RSVP will help us make sure we order enough pizza for everyone. If you scroll down in the Pup Press, you will find the link or QR code to respond in our APTT flyer. If you already responded to the flyer your child’s teacher sent home, no need to respond again. I hope to see you there!


Thurgood Marshall Elementary Family Drop-Off and Pick-Up Safety Reminder

Student safety is our top priority! Please help keep all students safe by following these guidelines during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up:

- Slow down! Keep your speed at 20mph or less at all times.

- Be mindful of the crosswalk—Always look both ways for crossing students.

- Do NOT leave your car unattended or block traffic. This keeps things moving smoothly.

- Parking on the Southside curb of S. Irving is prohibited during drop-off and pick-up times. This area is reserved for buses.

- Do not let your student out in the street. Wait until you are in the safety of the parking lot.

Thank you for helping ensure a safe environment for all students.


Please join an upcoming Judkins Park transportation listening session with WSDOT

Exciting news! The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is diving into the Judkins Park Station Reconnecting Communities Study to explore active transportation options along Rainier Avenue South at the five I-90 on/off ramps. The goal of this study is to suggest improvements to the WSDOT I-90 ramps to enhance the safety of all transportation modes, including walking, rolling, and biking. WSDOT is dedicated to supporting the community and is eager to hear from the public about their needs, concerns, and aspirations as a community. We are conducting online listening sessions via Zoom with community members in the area to understand transportation-related concerns and interests and are holding a session to focus on feedback specifically from schools and educational professionals.  

We would love for you to join us at this upcoming session on October 11th from 12:00–1:30 p.m. Please register at the link below to let us know you’ll be there. 

Friday, Oct. 11 (12 – 1:30 p.m.) Listening Session - Zoom Registration 

Compensation will be offered if you are not otherwise compensated for your participation. Before the listening session, you'll receive a set of questions to guide our conversation. 

If you are not able to participate in the date listed above but would still like to be involved, please let us know.

These listening sessions will help WSDOT better grasp the community's interests and shape our community engagement efforts. Thank you in advance for your contributions to this important study. 


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