We would like to invite you to join us for our second round of Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) meetings for preschool through 5th grade. APTT is a way for parents and teachers to work together, as genuine partners, to maximize student learning inside and outside of school. APTT is a research-based model for teachers to share grade-level information, tools, and strategies with families to apply at home and in the community to accelerate student learning. Your child is encouraged to attend along with you! After each meeting, your family will walk away with a game, and all materials included, to play at home!
WHEN? Tuesday, January 30th. Pre-K-2nd/3rd session from 5-6 PM; 3rd-5th grade sessions from 6:15-7:15. (Refreshments will be served by our FTME in the cafeteria from 5:45-6:15).
WHERE? In your child’s math classroom
WHY? During our meeting you will have the opportunity to:
· Meet and build classroom community with other families
· Learn about and practice academic games for your child
· Review your child’s academic progress
· Set academic goals for your child
Our teachers have been working hard to prepare for this event and are eager to have you join them. It takes a whole team of people to prep all the materials to create learning games for the entire school, and I would like to recognize Donna Duarte (APTT Champion), Trinia Washington (Family Literacy Connector), and our office team, Ms. Cherese and Ms. Tana, for their work on this.
There is no team without you!
Often when we have school events, there can be confusion about who is addressing any disruptive kid behaviors. Parents are sometimes offended if a school staff member addresses the behavior; other parents can be upset if the behavior is not being addressed. In order for us to all be on the same page, when we have after school or evening events at school, it is the parent’s responsibility to manage their child’s behavior. If you bring other children with you, it is up to you to be sure their behavior is appropriate for the school event, too.
We know that students are excited to be at school outside of school hours. They may want to experiment with behaviors that are not typical school behaviors. We want everyone who has come to the event to be able to enjoy the program being presented. We need your partnership to support your child as school staff manage the programming.
Thank you for your understanding!