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Planning for Next Year!


Thursday, May 5, 2022 Volume 16 Issue 29

Spring Assessments

Spring Assessments continue for 3rd-5th graders who began Smarter Balanced Testing this week. Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students will be taking the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) in the first 2 weeks of June. If you are not sure when your child will be testing, please reach out to their teacher.

Summer Staircase & Summer Special Education

Summer Learning. Summer Staircase and Summer Special Education programming will take place on Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM from July 6 – July 29. These programs are for students who are approaching grade level standards. Teachers have turned in referrals for summer school and will let you know if they have recommended your child for the program. If so, you will receive a registration survey from the district on May 12. Please be sure to fill it out right away so that your child secures a spot.


2022-23 School Year Calendar

If you like to plan, here is the link to the 22-23 school year calendar. . The first day of school for 1st-5th grades is September 7. The first day for incoming kindergarten students is September 12.


2022 Virtual Family Engagement Spring Symposium

Saturday, May 14th

Time: 10 a.m. -1 p.m.


Registration required

This year’s symposium will feature live, interactive, and engaging workshops for families, students, community members, and staff/educators and a very special keynote address by Trise Moore, Senior Consultant at The Family Outreach & Engagement Network.

Join us in a space where we can work together to imagine a future of genuine partnership between home and school that supports student learning and thriving!

Learn more and register to attend today!



Superintendent Jones Listening Tour

Seattle Council PTSA and Seattle Public Schools are hosting a series of online community engagement events with Dr. Brent Jones.

Please join a Zoom meeting to share your thoughts and perspectives with the Seattle Public Schools superintendent! Dr. Jones will be listening to families about how our schools can be safe and welcoming spaces where students can learn and thrive.

ASL and closed captioning will be available at each listening session. Amharic, Cantonese, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese interpreters will be available at each event.

To register for an event, please use the following links.

Superintendent Jones will be listening to students about how our schools can be safe and welcoming spaces where students can learn and thrive.

Students May 5, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Register for this event on Zoom

Other upcoming dates for families

Families with a Student Receiving Special Education Services May 9, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Register for this event on Zoom

All Families May 16, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Register for this event on Zoom

East African and Black Immigrant Families May 23, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Interpretation in Amharic, Oromo, Somali, Tigrinya. Register for this event on Zoom




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