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School Updates


We are in the third and final trimester of the school year, with just over six weeks to go!! This is the time of year when we are working hard to be sure that we have a strong finish to the year, while also working on our planning for next year. This week I wanted to update you in a few areas you may find of interest.

Positive School Behavior: Our PBIS Team has been working hard to keep kids excited about making good choices at school! Last month our students worked together to earn points to play a schoolwide Bingo game. Each class played a card while Ms. D called out the numbers over the loudspeaker. The first class to get a bingo was Mr. Long’s 1st and 2nd graders! Their class will receive a fun treat and a visit from a TM Celebrity!  Next goal? Students are now working to earn a front row seat to a Lip Synch contest put on by staff.  I’m sure there will be a huge buzz about this… I’ve already started rehearsing!

May is Bike and Walk to School Month! We encourage families who live in the neighborhood to try to walk or bike as you can this month. Our FTME has worked with the Self Help Department to fund an additional bike rack, which will be installed hopefully before this month ends.

Hiring Updates: We recently interviewed to hire for three positions for next year. I’m excited to announce that Ms. Hollis Amsden will be returning to teach kindergarten next year. We have added an additional .6 FTE (three days a week) of Multilingual instruction and have hired Cynthia Kniffin for this position. We also recently interviewed for a Special Education Resource Teacher and are waiting to hear if the offer we extended has been accepted. We’ll keep you posted! Teacher Zeng, from Room 107, has let us know that she is moving out of state, so we will also be interviewing for a new Special Education Distinct Teacher.

Staffing for next year: I will keep you posted as we fill these positions, and close to the end of the school year, I will let you know our full staffing line-up. Disclaimer: This can change as our enrollment fluctuates, so we do not make class assignments until just before the start of the school year. While we do not take teacher requests, if you have strong feelings about the type of setting your child learns best in, feel free to email Tana at with a description of the type of classroom environment that would work best for your child by June 1. 

Enrollment Updates: TM currently has 468 students enrolled from K–5th grade. Next year, we were projected to have 418 students. Right now, we have 463 students enrolled for next year. At this time, we only have 33 kindergarten students enrolled. This number tends to grow over the summer, but it is so helpful to us if we know how many kindergarten students we will have as early as possible. If you know of families who will be joining us for K next year, please encourage them to register with the district as soon as possible!


Fifth grader Salea Milard was featured in the latest issue of Seattle's Child magazine. Read the article for the full story about Salea and Speak with Purpose.

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