Volume 15 Issue 71
Thursday, December 17th, 2020
Spreading a Little Kindness
December is a great time to focus on kindness. In a season where children can sometimes be focused on what they hope to get, as they are bombarded with advertisements for expensive toys, it is a good time to take a step back to help them consider what they give to others. Consider helping your child make a gift for someone, write a letter to a relative who lives far away, or make cookies for your local fire station. If your family already regularly volunteers in the community, talk to your child about how your efforts help others.
If you are looking for ideas that students can do, check out the Kindness Calendar that is posted on our website with daily suggestions: https://marshalles.seattleschools.org/academics/resources_for_parents .
Share your own efforts at kindness with your child, too. Consider how you are modeling kind behavior for your child. Kindness is a trait that we can build in our children (and in ourselves). It costs us nothing to reach out to help another person and takes very little time. Planting the seeds of kindness will allow us to reap the rewards of more positive learning environment school-wide and a more welcoming school environment for everyone.
For further reading - books about kindness:
Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller and Jen Hill
Have you Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud and David Messing
Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson and E.B. Lewis
Wonder by R.J. Palacio
The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
This Friday is our last day of school before Winter Break. Our office will close at 4:30 PM on December 18 and reopen when school resumes in the new year on January 4. Student progress reports will be posted in The Source on January 18.
Have a wonderful holiday and we will see you back at school in 2021!
Katier school neighborhood. All they need are neighbors willing to host a little library in front of their home, at no cost to the property owner. If you’re a homeowner, a renter willing to speak with your landlord, or know someone else in the neighborhood who might be interested, Page Ahead would LOVE to talk to you. Please contact volunteer project manager, Kim Ferse, by email kferse@pageahead.org or phone 206-461-0123. Thank you!