Five years ago, Thurgood Marshall piloted the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. For readers who are new to the idea, SEM is a method that of gifted education that sees all students as deserving enriching experiences. Giftedness is not seen as a static condition of a child, “rather, it is viewed as a developmental set of behaviors that can be applied to problem solving situations.”
We generally describe the SEM process in three types of enrichment activities.
Type I Enrichment: General exploration of different topics. This could be documentaries, guest speakers, virtual field trips, and online simulations.
Type II Enrichment: Skill building and training. Students learn how to conduct their own project.
Type III Enrichment: Students investigate real problems in small groups or individually.
In the years since beginning this work, we have expanded the program so that all third–fifth grade students are participating weekly. Each trimester, students can join a class based on their interests, learn more about the topic, and produce a product. SEM is sometimes known as time for passion projects. Our students love having choice in their learning.
This year we are working to help students connect their interests with the world of work. We want them to see how things they love to do could become careers for them in the future. We would love your help with this!
Volunteer to help us infuse the wisdom of our community into the School Enrichment Model at Thurgood Marshall!
In our next SEM six-week session, students in grades 3–4 will guide their own learning in the following areas (called clusters): games, calligraphy, origami, paper mâché, jewelry making, sign language, crochet, and digital arts. Students in grade 5 will focus on starting a business, community leadership, 3d printing and coding, and escape rooms and obstacle courses.
We ask that you commit to a minimum of three sessions in the same SEM cluster, to work alongside students and build strong relationships while you share your knowledge and possibly connections to careers.
Sessions will be on the following Wednesdays:
2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/2
4/9 -- SEM showcase! We will show off what we did during this 6-week cluster!
SEM is every Wednesday at 12:10–1:10 for grades 3–4 and at 9:45–10:45 for grade 5.
Please complete the school district’s volunteer application two weeks before volunteering at school. You can find it here: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/volunteer/
If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please email third grade teacher Tania Westby at tawestby@seattleschools.org and let her know which SEM cluster you would like to help with. Please also indicate if you have already completed the volunteer application.
Thank you for supporting our students!
By Sam Egelhoff and Tania Westby
